Quick recap - 1

Congratulations !!

You authored your first test, executed it from the command line (via Gradle task), Also saw the Allure report in few minutes.

Recap of capabilities

1) Appium Driver Management

Nowhere we created a Appium Driver instance and manage it. Ekam takes care of creating, managing, and disposing of driver instances out of the box.

2) Creation of Screen classes & Page factory

Nowhere we created instances of Screen classes. Also, no need for Screen factory. In the traditional approach, we create a Page/Screen factory to supply screen objects. Both creation of Screen classes instances and Screen Factory are not needed anymore and Ekam manages & serves Screen Objects out of the box.

3) Atoms

Nowhere we dealt with MobileElements, Wait statements & Waiting-related strategies. Ekam provides abstractions over MobileElements and has wait strategies taken care of out of the box.

textbox, element - abstractions over MobileElements

query functions would allow you to declare By statements for locators

4) Gradle tasks to execute tests

We did not have to author Gradle tasks to execute tests. It is readily available. More can be created in the same lines on a need basis.

5) Allure reporting out of the box.

Nowhere we wrote code to create Allure reports

6) Generate code

The IntelliJ IDEA plugin for Ekam is generating code, to accelerate authoring.