Authoring First Test

Let us take a simple scenario of Google Search. Let us author a test that performs Google search and verifies the title.

Typical steps to author the test

  1. Specify the URL of application under test
  2. Generate a Page class. Add locators and page methods
  3. Generate a Test class. Add test method
  4. Execute the test

Specify the URL of Application Under Test

The very first step is to configure the URL of the application under tests. To do so, open config/ file & edit the web.url property as below

# Web Config

Generate Page class

Let us generate Page Object corrosponding to Google Home Page.

We have a package called pages under web folder to hold all page classes (Page Object Model).

Please refer to Template Structure to understand the package structure in detail.

To generate a page class, right-click on the pages folder and choose New → Ekam Component.

In the Ekam Component menu, choose Page Object - Web. Enter name as GoogleHomePage Hit enter.

This will create page class with below code.

package ekam.example.web.pages;

import com.testvagrant.ekam.reports.annotations.WebStep;
import com.testvagrant.ekam.atoms.web.WebPage;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;

public class GoogleHomePage extends WebPage {

    @WebStep(keyword = "When", description = "I hit search button")
    public GoogleHomePage search() {
        return this;


Let us declare Selenium By statements for - Search Box and Google Search Button.

Ekam plugin provides mechanism to generate By statements. Type abbreviation and hit Tab to generate the live template & complete the code.

Declare By statements as below:

public class GoogleHomePage extends WebPage {

    private By searchBox = queryByName("q");
    private By searchButton = query("input[value='Google Search']");

    @WebStep(keyword = "When", description = "I hit search button")
    public GoogleHomePage search() {
        return this;


Ekam Provides below live templates to locate elements.

AbbrevationLocator Strategy
qbnQuery By Name
queryQuery by xpath or css
qbiQuery By Id
qbaQuery By Attribute
qbcQuery By Class
qbtQuery By Text

Implement the search method as below

@WebStep(keyword = "When", description = "I hit search button")
public GoogleHomePage search(String text) {
    return this;

Ekam provides abstractions to interact with WebElements gracefully.

textboxRepresents a textbox element.
elementRepresents a generic element.

This search method would perform a google search for a given text.

Lets add a new page class method which would return the title of page. To do this, Ekam provides a live template. type webstep and expand by hitting Tab to generate a page method.

Complete the template to generate code as below.

@WebStep(keyword = "And", description = "I return Title")
public String getTitle() {

    return driver.getTitle();

The GoogleHomePage class would like as below:

package ekam.example.web.pages;

import com.testvagrant.ekam.reports.annotations.WebStep;
import com.testvagrant.ekam.atoms.web.WebPage;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;

public class GoogleHomePage extends WebPage {

    private By searchBox = queryByName("q");
    private By searchButton = query("input[value='Google Search']");

    @WebStep(keyword = "When", description = "I hit search button")
    public GoogleHomePage search(String text) {

        return this;

    @WebStep(keyword = "And", description = "I return Title")
    public String getTitle() {
        return driver.getTitle();


Generate Test

Now that our Page class is ready, lets add a test.

Right click on web package choose New → Ekam Component

In the Ekam component popup, select Web Test & enter name as GoogleSearchTest

This will generate a test as shown below
package ekam.example.web.pages;

import com.testvagrant.ekam.testBases.testng.WebTest;
import static com.testvagrant.ekam.commons.LayoutInitiator.*;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import io.qameta.allure.TmsLink;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;

public class GoogleSearchTest extends WebTest {

    @TmsLink("Test case id")
    @Test(groups = "web", description = "Test case description")
    public void webTest() {

        // 1. Arrange

        // 2. Act

        // 3. Assert


Let us call the GoogleHomePage methods to complete the test as below

Here is complete code of test.

package ekam.example.web.pages;

import com.testvagrant.ekam.testBases.testng.WebTest;
import static com.testvagrant.ekam.commons.LayoutInitiator.*;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import io.qameta.allure.TmsLink;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;

public void shouldDoGoogleSearch() {

        // 1. Arrange
        String searchText = "TestVagrant";
        String expectedTitle = "TestVagrant - Google Search";

        // 2. Act
        String actualTitle = Page(GoogleHomePage.class)

        // 3. Assert
        assertEquals(actualTitle, expectedTitle);


Execute Test

We need to make a IntelliJ IDEA setting change to execute tests via IDE

PreferencesBuild, Execution, DeploymentBuild ToolsGradle

Run tests using : IntelliJ IDEA

Execute the test !!

Congratulations!! on your first web test.