Execute Test on Firefox

We authored our first test & and executed it on the chrome browser (which is the default browser for test execution).

Now let’s see how to execute the same test in the Firefox browser.


Make sure you have installed the latest version of Firefox

Config changes specific to Firefox

Edit the default.properties file under config folder, like below:

web.target indicates the browser to be used to execute tests.

web.target: firefox
web.console.log: false
# Web Config

# Web url of web application under test

# Target Browser. Supported values <any | chrome | firefox | msedge |responsive>

# Enable web console log

Please note: We have to disable the browser console log, as this is not supported yet.

Execute test from IDE

Creating separate config for Firefox

By default, the config used to execute tests is default.properties.

However, as we observed, we needed few config changes for Firefox. So instead of modifying default.properties let’s override it.

How do we override default.properties ?

Create a file firefox.properties and specify properties to override. That’s it.

Now, when we use firefox.properties below table illustrates the values read from config

PropertyWould be read fromWhy ?Property value
web.console.logfirefox.propertiesproperty is overriddenfalse
web.targetfirefox.propertiesproperty is overriddenfirefox
web.urldefault.propertiesNo over rides available in firefox.propertieshttp://google.com

Use firefox.properties config while running tests

Now that we created a separate config for Firefox, we need to supply it during test execution

Pass the config to the Gradle task as below:

./gradlew clean runWebTests -Dconfig=firefox

This would trigger the tests with firefox.properties as config. Once the execution is complete the Allure reports are can be fetched with the below command

./gradlew allureServe

Creating Gradle task to execute tests for firefox config

Another way to execute tests is to create a Gradle task-specific to firefox config as below:

task runWebTestsOnFirefox(type: Test) {
    systemProperties = [
            config         :  "firefox"
    filter {
        excludeTestsMatching "*.mobile.*"
        excludeTestsMatching "*.api.*"
        excludeTestsMatching "*.db.*"
    outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
    useTestNG {
        parallel = "methods"
        threadCount Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("sessions", "2"))
        includeGroups System.getProperty("tags", "web")
        testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
        useDefaultListeners true
        outputDirectory = file("$buildDir/" + System.getProperty('tags', 'NONE'))

Call the task like below:

./gradlew clean runWebTestsOnFirefox