Execute Tests in Parallel

Ekam’s Gradle task has been configured to execute tests in parallel by default. 2 tests precisely

threadCount Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("sessions", "2"))

However, this behavior can be changed by modifying the task.

task runWebTests(type: Test) {
    filter {
        excludeTestsMatching "*.mobile.*"
        excludeTestsMatching "*.api.*"
        excludeTestsMatching "*.db.*"
    outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
    useTestNG {
        parallel = "methods"
        threadCount Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("sessions", "2"))
        includeGroups System.getProperty("tags", "web")
        testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
        useDefaultListeners true
        outputDirectory = file("$buildDir/" + System.getProperty('tags', 'NONE'))

An example of Execute 3 tests in parallel in Selenoid

Let us create 3 tests

Modify gradle task to as below:

threadCount Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("sessions", "3"))

Execute gradle task

./gradlew clean runWebTests -Dconfig=selenoid.local

NOTE: Executing docker containers locally could be resource-intensive. Recommended is to have the Selenoid Hub in a cloud virtual machine.