Execute Web Tests on LambdaTest cloud
Make sure you have a LambdaTest account. Please refer here
LambdaTest Configuration
To run a test on LambdaTest, we need the respective account’s UserName and AccessKey.
Where to find it?
Login into LambdaTest Dashboard
Click on the profile icon and choose Account Settings. Open Password & Security Tab.
Get the Username and Access Key
Create a cloud configuration file
Create lambdatest.json
file under the cloud_config folder
"username": "<provide your username>",
"accessKey": "<provide your access key>",
"hub": "hub.lambdatest.com"
Specify LambdaTest as a hub in configuration
Open web.remote.properties
file. Or you could choose to create a new configuration file most suitable to you.
add cloud.config.dir
and web.hub
# cloud provider eg: browserstack | lambdatest | etc
web.hub: lambdatest
Execute tests
Execute tests by specifying the config
./gradlew clean runWebTests -Dconfig=web.remote
Monitor the “Web Automation” page in LambdaTest for execution details
Avoid clear text credentials in cloud config file
It is not a good practice to specify clear text passwords in any of the source files and configurations. Pass the password as a command-line argument.
- Use this syntax
"${env: <arg name>}"
for the required fields in the lambdatest.json file, provided an example below:
"username": "${env:LAMBDATEST_USERNAME}",
"accessKey": "${env:LAMBDATEST_ACCESS_KEY}",
"hub": "hub.lambdatest.com"
- Pass these system properties to Gradle task:
systemProperty "config", System.getProperty("config")
systemProperty "LAMBDATEST_USERNAME", System.getProperty("LAMBDATEST_USERNAME")
systemProperty "LAMBDATEST_ACCESS_KEY", System.getProperty("LAMBDATEST_ACCESS_KEY")
- The complete Gradle task
task runWebTests(type: Test) {
filter {
excludeTestsMatching "*.mobile.*"
excludeTestsMatching "*.api.*"
excludeTestsMatching "*.db.*"
systemProperty "config", System.getProperty("config")
systemProperty "LAMBDATEST_USERNAME", System.getProperty("LAMBDATEST_USERNAME")
systemProperty "LAMBDATEST_ACCESS_KEY", System.getProperty("LAMBDATEST_ACCESS_KEY")
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
useTestNG {
parallel = "methods"
threadCount Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("sessions", "2"))
includeGroups System.getProperty("tags", "web")
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
useDefaultListeners true
outputDirectory = file("$buildDir/" + System.getProperty('tags', 'NONE'))
Execute the test in terminal or CI as below:
./gradlew runWebTests -Dconfig=web.remote -DLAMBDATEST_USERNAME=<username> -DLAMBDATEST_ACCESS_KEY=<access_key>